Tag Archives: goals

First things First: Take a Personal Inventory.

You need a job, but don’t know where to begin the search.  Well, before you start your job search, you need to know exactly what type of job you want to do.  Looking for work these days is a full-time job in itself, but it all boils down to you. Determine your employment wants and needs, this will help you organize your job search by allowing you to customize your resume and job search activities to meet your career objectives.  The more you know about your wants and needs; what you have to offer a potential employer, the more directed and successful your job search will be.  Take a personal inventory.  Get to know yourself by sitting down and thinking about what makes you happy and what you are good at.  This can save you a lot of time and effort.  It will also help you apply for those jobs that you will be successful doing and enjoy.

So where do you begin?  Answer the following questions with explanations:

1-  Is full-time work important to you?

2- Do you need flexible hours?

3- Do you prefer working on a team/alone?  Are you a team player?

4-  Do you enjoy working with your hands?

5- Are you detailed oriented?

6- Are you naturally outgoing?

7- Are you competitive?

8- Do you prefer to work indoors or outdoors?

9- Do you prefer to work from home?

10- Are you a creative person?

These questions were designed to help you better understand what you may want from a job.  Sometimes we take jobs that we think are right for us, but they don’t fit our personalities.  Be honest with yourself.  Now that you know more about your abilities and employment preferences, take this opportunity to reflect on your career goals.  Think about where you are now and where you want to be (short-term and long-term).  Ask yourself what is it going to take for me to get there?  Knowing who you are and what you can do will help you to identify if you might be a good fit for a potential employer.  The more you know about who you are, the better off you will be. You may also want to think about whether or not the job you are seeking will provide the necessary experience to move your career to the next level.

So, whether you are currently out of work or a working professional looking to make a career move, feel free to contact me at http://www.msselfconfident.com. I can help you on your journey to a new career and help you map out the plan that will take you there. Sometimes its not always about the advice you seek, but the reassurance that you are on the RIGHT track.





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The Pursuit of Happiness!

If you are finding it harder to juggle the demands of your job and the rest of your life, you’re not alone.  Many people are working extra hours or are on call when they are not physically at work.  Focus your time and attention on the things you can control.  Setting very clear boundaries between your professional and personal life is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  It allows you to have personal satisfaction, while maintaining professional fulfillment.

Here are eight tips to try for a healthy work life balance:

1-  Acknowledge priorities; make a list.

2-  Schedule downtime; make it a point to schedule time for your family and friends.

3-  Don’t waste time; stop doing things that don’t add value to your life.

4-  Avoid over-commiting; learn when and how to say “NO!”

5-  Use a work-flow system; track all tasks.

6-  Is it cost effective; is it really worth your time?

7-  Get moving; plan time for exercising.

8-  Communicate; let your plans be known.

Even the best of jobs can cause stress, but the benefits of creating a healthy work life balance will be invaluable.  As a result, you will become more confident and creative in your decision-making.  You will no longer feel the need or urge to take work home or worry about work related issues while you are home.  Understand that we are all humans, we make mistakes and we keep striving to make it all work.  We won’t always strike the right work life balance, but we must continuously adapt to make it work for us.  Sometimes we must move boundaries, change habits or reduce our workloads, but recognize that achieving the pursuit of happiness involves planning, sacrifice, commitment and a clear understanding of yourself.

There are no short cuts that will lead to lasting success, that only comes after a lifetime of dedication and consistent hard work. Prioritizing and planning will empower you to make the right choices and will remove the state of uncertainty.  So wherever you might be in life, contact me at http://www.msselfconfident.com.  I can help you on the right road to a healthier work life balance and help you implement a career plan that works best for you.


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A New Chapter!

Choosing a career is often one of the most important decisions a person will ever make.  By focusing on your interests, you can start the next chapter in your career.  This decision will be based solely on YOU and YOUR career choice.  Starting over is never easy, but sometimes we may need to reinvent ourselves.  One reason may be you are looking to reenter the workforce after staying home raising the kids.  Another may be you lost your job after being with the same company for twenty years.  Whatever the case may be, it’s not  too late to start over.  Here are some tips to help you write YOUR next Chapter:

1-  Decide what you would like to do professionally.  Start by figuring out what it is that you like, what interest or motivates you.  Your hobbies may give you a good place to look.  Discover what gives you joy in life and then find a way to obtain a job in that field.

2-  Establish a timeframe.   Take time to lay down the foundation for your career.  Do some research to figure out if there is a market for your new career move.  Figure out how long it might take for you to get started working in your new profession.

3-  Get the necessary training.  You may already have some of the skills you will need from previous work experience, so take the time to assess your current assets.  See if you can take a class or seminar in order to build the skills necessary to move forward.

4-  Be flexible.  Starting out fresh may mean starting out in a lower position than you may have previously held.  It may also mean taking a pay cut, earning less than you were previously use to.  Bare in mind these are only stepping stones to boost your career into high gear.

Reinventing yourself at any age can be a scary process, but it can also be an exciting time to move away from your comfort zone.  This is a time to challenge yourself to find a career that is just right for you.  A new career can make a healthier, happier you and a better work-life-balance.

Preparation and planning the next chapter of your career will enable and empower you to make the right decision.  That’s where I come in, to help you along your journey.  Whether you are currently out of work or a working professional looking to be successful at work, feel free to contact me to help guide you along in the process  www.msselfconfident.com.   I can help implement a plan that works best for you.  Remember, a  well prepared person can better understand the options and choices available to them and I would like to help aide you in turning the odds around in your favor.


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Take Responsibility

Career planning is not something that should be done only once and then forgotten as we move forward in our careers or daily lives.  Rather, it should be done on a regular basis.  The average person will change jobs many times in their lifetime, and it’s never too late to start your planning.  It can provide you with goals to achieve in your current position or with plans for beginning a transition to a new one.  Either way, career planning should be a rewarding and positive experience and we all need to take responsibility for our lives.

Here are a few tips to start you on your way:

1- Make it an annual event, set goals.  You will feel better about your career choice and direction.

2- Map out your direction.  Try not to dwell on your past, see what you can do differently in the future.

3-  Make notes of your past accomplishments.  This will help you create a resume when looking for you next job.

4- Review career and job trends.  It is important to see where job growth is expected.

5- Explore new education and training opportunities.  Take a chance to grow and learn new things.

Career planning can help you be better equipped for the uncertainty that lies ahead in your job search.  Spend time figuring out who you are and what you want out of life.  Learn to look beyond your comfort zone and see other possibilities.  Set short-term ( in the coming year) and long-term (beyond a year)  career goals. Review and adjust these goals as your plan progresses or changes.  Develop new goals once you accomplish your previous goals.



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So You Didn’t Make The Cut!

Nobody likes rejection, especially when it comes to a job interview. All of us have experienced it at some point in our lives. The best thing you can do after getting turned down is to stay positive and not get discouraged. Most people are hesitant to speak about job rejection because it means admitting failure. Instead, we need to treat each rejection as a lesson learned, realize that it is over and move on to greener pastures. The job market can be very tough and competitive at times, but don’t give up. Job rejection is to be expected and is very much a part of the job search process. Here are some ways on dealing with being rejected:

1. Don’t take it personally; sometimes even a great candidate doesn’t make the cut.

2. After each interview ask the interviewer for feedback. Take a step back, re-group and think of the things that you could have done better.

3. Get busy occupying your time with positive things that will help you forget what happened. Focus on your goals and research companies and positions that meet your needs and skills.

4. Talk about it. Your friends and family can provide valuable insight to guide you in the right direction. The more you open up, the more likely you will have to get interview tips or even job leads.

In your future interviews send a thank-you note to the interviewer as soon as possible. Thank him or her for the interview, and say that you look forward to hearing about the position. By following up, this shows that you are really interested in the job. Dealing with job rejection can be tough, but it is something everyone encounters at some point or another. Sometimes not getting a job can be a blessing in disguise, you can learn what you seek in an employer, what you want in a job, better prepare for the next interview and help you move forward in your job search.

Whether you are currently out of work or a working professional looking to be happier and more successful at work, feel free to contact me at http://www.msselfconfident.com. I can help with your interviews and implement a career plan that works best for you.


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Map Out Your Future

Have you ever thought about what you wanted to do in life? How many times will you change careers in your lifetime? With all of the career opportunities available, how do you make an informed decision? Once you determine what career path you want to take, the next step is how do you get there? These are really important questions to ask yourself and if you are like most people, you’ll change careers several times over the course of your life. That’s where career planning comes in. You need to determine both your short-term and long-term goals and what you must do to achieve them.

By developing a career plan, you can focus on what you want to do and how to get there. And when you are ready to develop your resume, you will have a better understanding of your skills and experiences to discuss with potential employers. A career plan can help you determine your skills and interests, what career best suits your talents, and what skills and training you will need for your chosen profession. Every job-seeker needs to take time to step away from the day-to-day routine of work and spend quality time reflecting on their career and developing some plans for the future. Whether you love your current job and employer or feel discouraged and limited, career planning can help.

It is important to realize that career planning is an ongoing process. You might have to go back to the beginning and start over, or you might get the chance to start right where you are in life. Remember, during some point in your life as you redefine yourself and your goals, you might have to do this several times before getting it right. However, before starting the career of your dreams, you need to take some time figuring out what those dreams are and how to turn them into reality. Your career choice is too important to take lightly. Spend some time learning about yourself and your career options before plunging in. It will be time well spent once you find the career of your dreams.
Your future is in your hands!

Whether you are a freelancer or employed professional looking to be happier and more successful at work, feel free to contact me at http://www.msselfconfident.com. I can help you with your choices and implement a plan that works for you.


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Where to start?

Life has a way of surprising us with challenges we didn’t expect, especially when it comes to the future our careers. At times it is easy to become discouraged while looking towards the future, but in 2014, it’s all about moving forward.  Everyone has a picture in their minds of their dream job, and the first step to career planning is realizing your greatest asset is YOU! Knowing who you are is the best way to start the journey. Take time to figure out what is most important to you. Your career choices should be consistent with your values.

Here are four steps to career planning to help you on your way:

1-    Discover yourself (your values, interests and passions).

2-    Research Options (explore what’s out there).

3-    Make decisions (obtain skills and credentials).

4-    Take Action (work towards your goal).

By using these four steps to career planning, you are better equipped to face your fears, your future, and meet your overall goals.  It means reacting to the challenge with confidence, flexibility and qualities that focus on your future.  Only you can decide on a first-rate career for you.

Need help figuring out your dream job, or need help and direction in your career journey, feel free to contact me at www.msselfconfident.com.


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Write it DOWN!

For some reason, the most obvious things are somehow the most difficult to complete.  Have you ever spoken with a friend or family member, and they tell you about an amazing opportunity or awesome plan for their future?  Yet, somehow nothing ever gets done past the initial conversation?  Unfortunately, this is a frequent problem for most of my clients.  The easiest way to fix this problem is to write it down!

Talk is cheap, but a written plan is forever.  When you write down your goals and ways to achieve it, you have a plan of action.  Even if plans change, or you have to switch gears, that’s perfectly acceptable, but at least you have a starting point.  While words alone will not  get the job done, it will definitely motivate you to get started.  Not sure what to write down or how to get started?  Feel free to give me a call or contact me at www.msselfconfident.com.


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New Year’s Resolution -vs- SMART Goals

Research has shown that 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions will break them.  A resolution is a “formal expression of opinion or intention.” Basically it’s a wish or a hope, something you wish could happen to you.  A goal on the other hand is the “end result of an effort.” A goal is something you strive for, you can see the end result and you take the necessary steps to accomplish it.

In 2014, we need something more than a random thought or wish to get us throughout the year.  So instead of making a new year’s resolution, develop an action plan using SMART Goals, follow-through and your chances of succeeding will increase tremendously.

Let’s face it, it’s no good hoping; instead be SMART about it!  Not sure how to get started?  Feel free to give me a call or contact me at www.msselfconfident.com.


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